Argente Creme
"The back of the rat to be a delicate shade of apricot, ticked with silver and shading to cream on the sides and face. Head markings not to be present. Undercoat white, belly white. Eyes red. Serious faults: lack of shading"
- NFRS Variety Standard
A- pp Cscs fyfy
Agouti + PED + homozygous chinchilla spotting + homozygous fading yellow
CsCs FYFY or CsCs Fyfy - lethal, foetus absorbed or possibly born as BEWs which die very young.
Cscs FyFy - lethal or chinchilla
Cscs Fyfy - chinchilla
Cscs fyfy - half chinchilla
Breeding Info:
Argente cremes are half-silver fawn chinchillas; full-silver fawn chinchillas are too pale. The colour may be improved by being homozygous for agouti (AA). The fading shows incomplete penetrance, so may be subject to environmental factors. While the incidence of megacolon is virtually non-existent in UK populations, they must not be crossed to many H-locus varieties, including variegated.
Reference Photos:
"To be an even, rich mid-brown, devoid of dinginess, silvering, or patches, with darker points of the same shade. There is to be a strong contrast between the points and body colour. Foot points usually a shade lighter than those on the tail root or nose but should still be evident. Eyes black."
- NFRS Variety Standard
With points: aa chch BuBu OR aa cch BuBu
Black + Siamese + Burmese OR black + one copy of Himalayan + Burmese
Without points: aa cc BuBu
Black + albino + Burmese
Breeding Info:
Susceptible to high levels of silvering. Can be helpful to run in a line with not-to-standard Siamese/Himalayan, ideally Siamese-bred Himalayans.
Reference Photos:
Golden Himalayan
"Body colour to be a pale golden cream, with points a medium sepia. Foot colour is usually a shade lighter than nose, tail and ear points due to the agouti base, but should still be evident. Eyes black. Points: 1. Face – points not to extend upwards from the eyes 2. Ears – points not to extend downwards from the base of the ears 3. Forelegs – points not to extend upwards beyond the elbows 4. Hindlegs – points not to extend upwards beyond the ankle 5. Tail – points not to extend beyond the tail root 6. Feet and tail – to be solid coloured throughout, devoid of any white toes."
- NFRS Variety Standard
aa cch OR aa chch selected for pale body colour and no shading.
Black + 1 copy of albino and one of himalayan OR black + 2 copies of Himalayan (siamese).
+ Be- for black-eyed.
Breeding Info:
Agouti-based Golden Himalayans tend to be darker/more golden.
Reference Photos:
Cream Agouti
"To be a mix of mid-grey ticking over a mid-cream ground, with no suggestion of blue or brown tones. Ticking to be darkest along the back and fade down the sides to the pale cream belly. Fur on the face to be lighter on the whisker bed and around the eyes. Eyes black. Faults: Rusty patches, white toes, darker points on the nose, tail root and feet."
- NFRS Variety Standard
A- ccm + golden modifier
Agouti + one copy of albino and one of marten + golden modifier
Breeding Info:
Reference Photos:
"Body colour to be white, free from stains and even throughout, with points a rich dark sepia. Eyes red or black. Note - Colour areas: 1. face - not to extend upwards from eyes. 2. ears - not to extend downwards from the base. 3. forelegs - not to extend upwards beyond the elbows. 4. hind legs - not to extend upwards beyond the ankle. 5. tail - not to extend beyond the tail root. 6. feet - to be solid colour throughout, devoid of any white."
- NFRS Variety Standard
aa cch OR aa chch selected for pale body colour and no shading.
Black + 1 copy of albino and one of himalayan OR black + 2 copies of Himalayan (siamese).
+ Be- for black-eyed.
Breeding Info:
Reference Photos:
"Body colour to be similar in shade to an HB lead pencil, some fading to be expected in an adult. Some light heathering to be expected. Fur on the face to be lighter on the whisker bed, over the eyes and behind the ears. Belly colour a slightly paler shade of grey than the top. Foot colour to match top. Eyes pink or black.
Faults: rusty patches, white toes or patches, darker points on the nose, tail root or feet."
- NFRS Variety Standard
aa cmcm OR aa ccm
Black + marten OR black + one copy of albino, one of marten
+ Be- for black-eyed.
Breeding Info
Satin can improve the colour intensity and evenness of the coat colour. Darker kittens often lighten with age. Can be too pale when bred in the same line as silver agoutis. Marten carriers can have white tips to their noses, or "look like they're trying to be silken". Silvering can also lighten their appearance and should be selected away from. When their pigment comes in it can appear clumped on their head. This evens out with age.
Reference Photos:

Siamese (Blue-Point)
"Body colour to be silver beige that shades into deep blue colour at the back and hind quarters, down towards the rump and on the face towards the nose. The shading shall be even and darkest at the nose and the base of the tail. The rat has to be without streaks, odd coloured or white hairs or patches Belly colour: To be light silver beige. Ears, tail, feet: As blue as possible. Eye colour: ruby or black"
- NFRS Variety Standard
aa chch rbrb OR aa chch bb
black + 2 copies of Himalayan (siamese) + Russian blue OR black + siamese + British blue
+ Be- for black-eyed.
Breeding Info:
Will darken with age during kittenhood. The intensity of their colour is temperature-dependent, so monitor the temperature of where they are kept (there can be marked differences even within the same room).
Reference Photos:
Siamese (Seal-Point)
"Body colour to medium beige, gradually and evenly shaded over saddle and hindquarters towards the rump, being darkest at the base of the tail. There should be no white or very pale areas anywhere on the body, feet or tail. Tail colour to extend down the length of the tail. Belly to be light beige. Points to be rich dark sepia and shade evenly into the body colour. Eyes black or ruby."
- NFRS Variety Standard
aa chch
black + 2 copies of Himalayan (siamese)
+ Be- for black-eyed.
Breeding Info
Will darken with age during kittenhood. The intensity of their colour is temperature-dependent, so monitor the temperature of where they are kept (there can be marked differences even within the same room).
Reference Photos:
Silver Agouti
"To be a mix of mid grey ticking over a pale ivory ground, with no suggestion of blue or brown tones. Ticking to be darkest along the back and to fade down the sides to the pale ivory belly. Fur on the face to be lighter on the whisker bed and around the eyes. Eyes pink or black. Faults: rusty patches, white toes, darker points on nose, tail root and feet."
- NFRS Variety Standard
A- cmcm OR A- ccm
Agouti + marten OR agouti + one copy of albino, one of marten
+ Be- for black-eyed.
Breeding Info
Satin can improve the colour and evenness of the coat. Can become too dark when bred in a line with martens. When their pigment comes in it can appear clumped on their head. This evens out with age.
Reference Photos:

Wheaten Burmese
"To be a mid-sand colour. Points on the nose and tail root to be distinctly darker than the body colour. Foot points usually a shade lighter than those on the tail root or nose but should still be evident. Base coat to be light brown. Belly colour to be pale silvery grey. Eyes black."
- NFRS Variety Standard
With points: A- chch BuBu OR A- cch BuBu
Agouti + Siamese + Burmese OR agouti + one copy of Himalayan + Burmese
Without points: aa cc BuBu
Black + albino + Burmese
Sable (with points) – chch BuBu or chc BuBu
Sable (no points) – cc BuBu
Wheaten (Agouti) Sable Burmese (with points) – A- chch BuBu
Wheaten (Agouti) Sable Burmese (no points) – A- cc BuBu
Breeding Info
Breeding alongside golden himalayan and golden siamese can help the colour.
Reference Photos: