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The A-locus is where the alleles for agouti and black sit. Agouti (A) is the dominant trait, black (a) is recessive.


Rats can be:

AA - homozygous agouti, presenting as agouti-based.

Aa - heterozygous agouti, presenting as agouti-based but carrying black.

aa - homozygous black, presenting as black.


The B-locus is where the alleles for chocolate and non-chocolate sit. Non-chocolate (B) is the dominant trait, chocolate (b) is recessive.


Rats can be:

BB - homozygous non-chocolate, presenting according to their other inherited traits.

Bb - heterozygous non-chocolate, presenting as according to their other inherited traits but carrying chocolate.

bb - homozygous chocolate, presenting as chocolate-based.


The C-locus is where the alleles for shaded are located. There are a few variations. 


C- - non-shaded, so the colour is expressed normally.

cc - albino, one version of Pink-Eyed White (PEW).

cc^h - himalayan

c^hc^h - siamese

c^mc^m - marten

cc^m - pale marten

c^hc^m - pointed marten



The H-locus is where some of the alleles for markings are located (roan and chinchilla are associated with other loci). There are a few variations:


HH - unmarked

Hh - berkshire

hh - hooded

H^ro - Essex (lethal dominant)

H^i - Irish

h^e - extreme hooded


Other modifiers exist, and their effect depends on selection and what they are in combination with. Some varieties can be made in a few different ways.


Modifiers are genes that affect the expression of other genes, affecting the likelihood that a certain phenotype will present (penetrance), the degree to which a gene is expressed (expressivity), etc.



Other Loci Influencing Colour

Most loci influencing colour involve recessive alleles, so two copies are required to be expressed. The below is not an exhaustive list.


dd for british blue

rbrb for russian blue

mm for mink

amam for American mink

rr for red-eyed dilute (RED)

pp for pink-eyed dilute (PED)

Other Loci Influencing Variety


Dumbo is caused by a recessive, so there are the following possibilities:


DmboDmbo - top ear

Dmbodmbo - top ear carrying dumbo

dmbodmbo - dumbo


Select for dumbo ears after the 6 week mark as this is when most creases form.



The rex gene is incomplete dominant, so has a different effect when homozygous. Rexing expresses better on bucks than does.


rere - standard coat

Rere - rex

ReRe - double rex


There is also the less common recessive rex gene:

rere - standard coat

refz - standard coat carrying recessive rex

fzfz - recessive rex



While Be is dominant, its expression is dependent on C-locus genes being expressed.



Dwarf the variety is different from dwarf the mutation. Dwarf is caused by a recessive.


DwDw - standard size

Dwdw - standard size carrying dwarf

dwdw - dwarf

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