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Russian Burmese


"To be warm, mid grey, devoid of dinginess, silvering, or patches, with distinctly darker points of the same shade. Faint light speckling or a subtle ticked effect (heathering) is usual for this variety and is not a fault. Eyes black or very dark ruby."
- NFRS Variety Standard



With points: aa chch BuBu rbrb OR aa cch BuBu rbrb
Black + Siamese + Burmese + Russian blue OR black + one copy of Himalayan + Burmese + Russian blue​


Breeding Info:

Susceptible to high levels of silvering. Can be helpful to run in a line with not-to-standard Siamese/Himalayan, ideally Siamese-bred Himalayans.​​


Reference Photos:

Russian Silver Agouti


"A blend of light blue grey ticking over a warm creamy fawn ground. Undercolour light silver grey down to the skin. Belly colour pale silver. Pinky tinge to be a fault. Coat to be short aand thick- a long coat or a coat similar to that on other varieties (excluding rex) to be a serious fault. Eyes black."
- NFRS Variety Standard



A- dd rbrb OR A- bb dd rbrb OR A- bb dd mm rbrb. Other combinations possible

Agouti + British blue + Russian blue OR agouti + chocolate + British blue + Russian blue OR agouti + chocolate + British blue + mink + Russian blue


Breeding Info:

Used to have a reputation for being fragile. Mink helps to lighten the colour to the correct shade.


Reference Photos:

Sable Burmese


"To be a warm dark otter brown with subtle darker points on the feet, tail, face, and ears. Devoid of dinginess, silvering, or patches. Contrast between points and body colour not to be overstated. Any suggestion of black in the points to be penalised. Eyes black."
- NFRS Variety Standard



​aa c^hc^h BuBu

Black + Siamese + Burmese


Breeding Info:


Reference Photos:



"The coat on this variety should be long, fine, silky and held flat all over the body including the belly, although the fur here and on the head will obviously be shorter. Each hair to be translucent for approximately 2/3rds of its length with the bottom portion corresponding to the colour of the variety. The colour of the translucent portion to be dependent on the variety; silver for selfs and pale gold for agouti types, the exact shade will vary with the variety (eg agoutis will be darker than cinnamons). The undercolour, muzzle and around the eyes should correspond to the colour variety.The coat on this variety should be long, fine, silky and held flat all over the body including the belly, although the fur here and on the head will be shorter and the demarcation will be shaded between the top and belly colour and not sharply defined. Each guard hair to be translucent for approximately 2/3rds of its length with the bottom portion corresponding to the colour of the variety. The colour of the translucent portion to be silver but will reflect pale gold on agouti types due to the colour of the agouti band shining through, the exact shade will vary with the variety (eg agoutis will be darker than cinnamons). The undercolour, muzzle and around the eyes should correspond to the colour variety, eg. black for agouti, light brownish grey for cinnamon and dark blue for Russian blue agouti.
The translucent coat is usually fully developed by ten to twelve weeks and should remain in the adult.
These shall not be shown in pink-eyed varieties, rex, pointed or pale coated varieties."

- NFRS Varieties Standard






Breeding Info:

Lethal dominant. Avoid breeding rats with poor expression. When bred with another variety, could make the coat on the other variety undesirably long.


Reference Photos:

Spotted Downunder


"To be broken marked, giving the effect of random spots and splashes of colour over the back and belly, neck and shoulders. Side spots are desirable. The head is to be broken marked with larger areas of solid colour than the body markings. Both ears are to be contained in the coloured area. Pied tails not to be penalized.
Colour: Colour to conform to a recognised colour variety. The white areas shall be devoid of a yellowish tinge or staining."
- NFRS Variety Standard






Breeding Info:

A lot of selection has gone into making them more robust.


Reference Photos:

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